One Piece Hunting Recurve Bows
Recurve bows have outwardly curved ends on the limbs (the “recurves”). This special shape allows the bow to transfer more energy to the arrow, even with shorter bows. The outwardly curved ends of the limbs store more energy than a longbow or hybrid bow, allowing the arrow to be shot at a higher speed. Recurve bows are therefore generally faster and more powerful and can have a slightly more aggressive shooting feel, especially when compared to the softer longbow. The draw is harder, as the tension increases significantly as the draw distance increases. However, this type of bow offers greater accuracy and consistency in shot delivery. Modern recurve bows are often made from a combination of wood, laminates and synthetic materials.
Ein Bogen aus der Buck Trail Serie, den wir mit einer Dyneema Sehne, einer Auflage und einem Nockpunkt ausliefern. Dieser Bogen ist fast-flight-tauglich ! Einteiliger 60" Jagdrecurve aus dem Hause Buck Trail, erhältlich als Links- oder Recht...
139,95 €
The Buck Trail Black Nyala is a premium one-piece recurve bow, designed for archers who seek precision, durability, and a sleek, traditional aesthetic. Built with high-quality materials, this bow offers long-lasting...
159,95 €
Ein Bogen aus der Buck Trail Serie, den wir mit einer Fast-Flight Sehne, einer Auflage und einem Nockpunkt ausliefern. Dieser Bogen ist fast-flight-tauglich ! Einteiliger 60" Jagdrecurve aus dem Hause Buck Trail, erhältlich als Links- oder R...
189,95 €
Great looking hunting bow from Buck Trail providing excellent performance at an interesting price point. Bow length: 60” Draw weight: 25-60lbs (increasing by 5lbs) Brace height: 7-3/4 – 8” Max draw length: 32” Made out of high density dymond ...
169,95 €
The Wolverine is a 52” hunting bow ideal for shooters who draw a little shorter. A compact bow with an excellent grip. Ideally for draw lengths up to 29 inches with a maximum permitted draw length of 30 inches. The bow consists of Dymond Wood with ...
124,95 €
Beautiful hunting recurve! Riser made of red/brown dymondwood, limbs made of maple, coated with black laminate. This bow is fast-flight capable! recommended brace height 8 - 8,5" available in LH and RH draw weight in 5 ...
138,95 €
Beautiful hunting recurve! Riser made of gray dymondwood, an absolute eye-catcher on the 3D course! The limbs are made of maple and are coated with black laminate. This bow is fast-flight capable! recommended brace height ...
138,95 €
Beautiful Hunting bow one piece 62" Hardwood Fast flight fit ! Bracing height: 8 - 8,5" available LH and RH Draw weight: 25 to 60 Pfund (LH only until 55lbs) incl. Flemish Dyneema String...
136,95 €
One piece hunting bow MEZZO available from 20lbs to 50lbs increasing by 5lbs Available in RH and LH bow length: 50" brace height: 6 3/4" Material: Handle: the black Walnut engineering wood ,Limb: back fiberglass and maple wood with a D97 Dyneem...
96,95 €
Great looking hunting bow from Oak Ridge. Bow length: 62” Draw weight: 25-55lbs (increasing by 5lbs) Brace height: 8” Max draw length: 30” Made out of dymond wood with maple wood, carbon & black fiberglass limbs....
149,95 €
Der Hopi ist der richtige Recurve für die ersten Schritte mit Pfeil und Bogen. Dieser leistungsstarke Jagdrecurve ist nicht teilbar und besticht durch seine tolle Optik. Die kompakte Bogenlänge von 60 Zoll bietet viel Schußkomfort bis hin zu einer...
229,95 €
A real best seller, this 58” one piece recurve bow has been designed to offer quality and performance at an excellent price. Accurate and smooth, it has a truly comfortable grip. The central body made of exotic p...
149,95 €