Cold Steel at Bogentandler

pack of 50 bamboo darts for cold steel's 0.625" big bore blowpipe cold steel item number B625BB...
18,95 €
pack of 50 mini broadhead darts for cold steel's 0.625" big bore blowpipe cold steel item number B625M...
25,95 €
pack of 40 razortip darts for cold steel's 0.625" big bore blowpipe cold steel item number B625BR...
29,95 €
Available in 4 foot or 5 foot lengths, with optional extensions for extra accuracy and range. All models come with a mouthpiece, rubber ferrule, dart quiver, and 36 darts (15 Bamboo Darts, 15 Mini Broadhead Darts, and 6 Stun Darts). Shooting a blowpi...
42,95 €
Available in 4 foot or 5 foot lengths, with optional extensions for extra accuracy and range. All models come with a mouthpiece, rubber ferrule, dart quiver, and 36 darts (15 Bamboo Darts, 15 Mini Broadhead Darts, and 6 Stun Darts). Shooting a blowpi...
64,95 €
This Professional grade Blowpipe comes with a target style mouthpiece and a 3mm thick barrel. This means it is almost twice as thick and 45% heavier than the standard models making them the heaviest commercially made Blowpipes in the world. But ...
46,95 €
The Cold Steel .357 Magnum Blowpipe offers hours of fun in a super lightweight, budget friendly package! The .357 Magnum Blowpipe is a joy to use, and equally at home hunting small game or target shooting with family and friends. Made from ...
26,95 €
Tim Wells is one of the most skilled primitive hunters on the planet. As fans of his award winning show Relentless Pursuit will attest, he has summoned the nerve and put his life on the line on countless occasions. Taking down large dangerous game ar...
68,95 €
Very accurate hunting tip made of space-age polymer, incredibly good value and highly effective. Defies wind and weather and does not rust but just does everything. Available only in 125 grain weight Length: 3" Width: 1,25"...
11,95 €
pack of 30 magnum spear darts for cold steel blowpipe cold steel item number B357DS...
11,95 €
spare mouth piece for 0.625" blow pipes from Cold Steel Cold Steel item number: B625MPP...
4,95 €