Egertec at Bogentandler

The set inclueds 10 targets and 50 pins high quality fun target face made 250gsm special coated paper 50 x 70cm tear- and UV-resistant very creative motives with exclusive 3D effect laminated...
23,95 €
high quality fun target face made 250gsm special coated paper 50 x 70cm tear- and UV-resistant very creative motives with exclusive 3D effect laminated...
2,95 €
The set inclueds 10 targets and 50 pins high quality fun target face made 250gsm special coated paper 50 x 70cm tear- and UV-resistant very creative motives with exclusive 3D effect laminated...
23,95 €
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259,95 €
traditional coiled straw archery target with 85cm diameter and 10cm thickness special flat shooting surface 100% made in the UK since the 1950's easy to move authentic look - unbeatable price performance ratio netto wieght of the target: 17kg ...
158,95 €
for securing target faces onto targets tough durable target pins which are arrow friendly perfect for both straw and foam targets 50mm long, 5mm wide, 15mm head-diameter...
0,20 €