Haltevorrichtung für das Bogentuning
- der Bogen kann horizontal und vertikal gekippt und fixiert werden
- 3 Schnellspanner geben sicheren Halt
- 2 Wasserwaagen sind integriert
- zum Ausrichten von Visieren geeignet
This product was added to the store on 2015-05-15.
The item is in stock and ready for immediate shipment.
We try to keep the best price - click on the "best price" graphic on the right if you have seen this item cheaper elsewhere.
We try to keep the best price - click on the "best price" graphic on the right if you have seen this item cheaper elsewhere.
- Manufacturer Info PSE
- Contact information in accordance with Art. 19 EU GPSR
- Post Address:
- x
- Electronical Address:
- Website: https://psearchery.com/pages/contact-pse
- Person responsible in accordance with Art. 19 EU GPSR
- Post Address:
- S.S.A. Sporting Goods NV
- John Cordierlaan 15
- 8400 Oostende
- Belgien
- Electronical Address:
- Website: https://www.ssa-archery.com/en-us/contact-us